Differences between PenX and other blogging solutions

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2 min read
PenX is a dynamic blogging solution, similar to platforms like WordPress and Ghost. Here are the key differences:

Simpler Technical Architecture

PenX is built on Next.js and follows a monolithic architecture, allowing developers to easily customize and extend the platform. Compared to many traditional blogging platforms, this streamlined architecture not only enhances development efficiency but also reduces maintenance costs, providing developers with greater flexibility.

Improved Editing Experience

PenX features a rich text editor similar to Notion, offering users a more intuitive and efficient editing experience. The editor is based on Slate.js, making it one of PenX's standout features. The team plans to invest significant effort into further developing the editor to support more input types in the future.

Open API

PenX provides a RESTful API that allows users to interact with the platform in creative ways. This includes functionalities like inputting data via the API and scheduling regular backups of your content.

Collaborative Creation

Collaboration is a key feature in PenX. Users can invite others to co-edit articles and view suggestions in real-time, making content creation more efficient and engaging.

Diverse Creation Formats

Unlike static blogs, PenX supports various forms of content creation. This means users can express their ideas through different mediums, including articles, videos, and audio.

Embracing Web3 Technology

PenX actively embraces Web3 technology, aiming to address income challenges faced by content creators. Through innovative models like decentralized paid subscriptions, creators can earn directly from their fans.
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